Alternative Pop Music Chris Carvel Audition, Watch Independent Concerts Online, Skunk Radio Live
Promote, Discover Music daily on Skunk Radio Live. Info: Promote and share music, listen to music Ad free, watch videos, discover new artists and bands, listen to online radio Ad free, find concert tickets, buy music posters and merch, find venues and keep up with the latest releases and help promote your favorite undiscovered bands at Chris Carvel on the Music Discovery XO VOTE at Biography: I m a 27yearold Guitarist and Producer from Sydney. The first time I really took notice of music was age 15 hearing Jimi Hendrix records. I obsessed over guitar solos like Little Wing, Hey Joe and Bold as Love. So this got me to start playing the guitar at around 15 years old. I started to follow that thread and learnt music by John Frusciante, John Mayer and other guitar players that I looked up to. I graduated from university with