10 Funny Language Learning Commercials
I put together ten of very funny commercials about learning another language. I hope you enjoy them as I did. Normally I ask the viewers to tell me in the comments which one they like the most to see which commercial is, 1. Sadly, I can t do it anymore because the last name I counted deleted its comment, now I don t know which one was last. But judging by the last outcome and by the comments I respond to daily, the winner is the last commercial Budweiser, Bud light, No speak English + Language of Love. These ads are included: 1. Soesman Language Institute with A Day Trip from 1998 (I want to f you in the ass, featuring the song by the Outhere Brothers from 1994) by Y R Netherlands 2. Berlitz with its famous German Coast Guard, We are sinking from 2006 by the agency Bates United Oslo from Norway (Improve your language, Language for life) 3. Babbel with Boss It At Work, Negotiator (Learn English for Work) 4. Babbel with Spanish Passion from 2017 (Tell me more, Speak the language like