Chrissy Zebby Tembo Born Black Welcome To Zamrock Vol. 1 (1972 1977)
By the mid 1970s, the Southern African nation known as the Republic of Zambia had fallen on hard times. Though the countrys first president Kenneth Kaunda had thrown off the yoke of British colonialism, the new federation found itself under his selfimposed, autocratic rule. Conflict loomed on all sides of this landlocked nation. Kaunda protected Zambia from war, but his country descended into isolation and poverty. This is the environment in which the 70s rock revolution that has come to be known as Zamrock flourished. Fuzz guitars were commonplace, as were driving rhythms as influenced by James Browns funk as Jimi Hendrixs rock predominated. Musical themes, mainly sung in the countrys constitutional language, English, were often bleak. In present day Zambia, Zamrock markers were few. Only a small number of the original Zamrock godfathers that remained in the country survived through the late 90s. AIDS decimated this country, an