Cargo transportation off road in dirt. Trucks work at the limit of their capabilities
In this video I ll show you how trucks overcome harsh offroad conditions since the cargo must be delivered at any cost. I recommend subscribing to the channels of these guys: Andika Wiryantara Marcelo Di Donato Rahat Toichubaeva Ted Smith69 Nicolas SEGUIN F. Nilsson GONZATRUKING Kos10rus Боев COTRAMS Viaturas militares em ação mercedes8x8 RoviraES Guillermo Peña zarchicov1992 Kentsu Lisa Schoemaker Bob Hassell Sporty Ekstremalne 4x4 Ratrod504 sashant157 The Swallow Aus RIKASARII24 Mr1Sheldon Maciek Fiało Hit that subscribe button and the bell down below so you won t miss out on future uploads with trucks, tractors, allterrain vehicles and other heavy equipment driving watching