Blockchain has been explained all wrong. Energy is true currency. Nikola Tesla understood this better than anyone and wanted to give this secret away for free. Elon Musk understands therefore he has the power to manipulate the value of cryptocurrency. LUV is the highest form of energy, LUV is infinite. Weve all been taught what currency is from the frequency of fear and scarcity to allow the middleman to control and limit our currency. Blockchain is a higher state of consciousness that allows creators to remove the middleman and manifest their own value. Web 2. 0 limited and controlled our belief system as creators because the middleman told us our worth and dictated our value. The only limitation on blockchain Web 3. 0 is your imagination. Blockchain is proof that you dont need to work the traditional ways to make money. Some of the wealthiest people in the world didnt work hard to obtain their wealth, they understood their power as creators and manifested their wealth. Walt Disney is the perfect ex