Lerdge i X Small Size Powerful 3 D Printer
More info: Shop link: Lerdge iX is a small size 3D printer, which comes with KIT version or preassembled version. This 3D printer has many function and features. It made for modding and you can change and tune different things. You can get it quite cheap and Lerdge also sell different upgrades, which can make this 3D printer even better. STL FILES: 3D printer test: Lego calibration cube: Tolerance test: Cat: Planter: Goblin: Ice cream: MUSIC: Music from, InAudio: Infraction Feel the time(Future bass) 3D PRINTER: Lerdge iX FACEBOOK: INSTAGRAM: 3dprintsbuilds TikTok: 3dprintsbuilds Cults3d: THINGIVERSE: , 3dPrinting, Timelapse, 3dprinter