In The Land Of Unfallen Rains by Mikhail Mazel
Please, Subscribe on my Channel and share Poem by Mikhail Mazel. Translation from Russian by author with AI (GPT4) and his authorth drawing illustration from poetry book. In the Land of Unfallen Rains Summer dreams in the mist disappeared, of ideas from us, so estranged. Lures spirit with temptations, unfeared, in this land, rain sky changed. All shall pass, or by Lethe be driven, to dissolve, to the dust it is cast. In the sky, over Earth it is given. In the night, primal fears be vast. Driven by the urge of yearning, curiosity, faith in the quest we are gifted: exile, no returning. The original Copypaste. We ll depart by dewcovered ground, through rebellious grass so green, not trampled, but barely bound, shadow fallen left side in the scene. And the dawn will tickle us gently, on the backs, through terrain we remain, step, a moment, wings flutter, then entry, and we va