I took the, 1 Tech Exam and it was BRUTAL
Adventure awaits at Buy a Seasonic TX 1000 PSU: Can you believe that after DECADES in the computer industry, Linus STILL doesnt have even the most entrylevel certification there is Come along for the ride as Linus dives into the A+ Exams armed with nothing but a jar of water and years of figuring things out as he goes. Discuss on the forum: Check out the GamaKay TK75Pro: (Amazon US: ) GET OUR MERCH: GET EXCLUSIVE CONTENT ON FLOATPLANE: GET A VPN: SPONSORS, AFFILIATES, AND PARTNERS: Purchases made through some store links may provide some compensation to Linus Media Group. CHAPTERS 0:00 Intro 1:48 What s a CompTIA 3:24 The Setup 5:32 Test One 8:44 The Proctor Strikes Back 10:10 Test Two 13:08 Is it worth it 16:13 Wow, he s got a lot to 18:18 Credits