SILENCED about antigravity research report part II
I WAS SILENCED after my first In Pursuit of Antigravity video found here: This video explains why and some follow up reporting. Errata: My research partner pointed out to me that the Rochelle Salts weren t so much acting like zener diodes (I was using that term loosely to describe what we saw while not giving away too much detail) but rather that the salts would absorb so much water that it turned it into a salt battery. So there was a lot of complicated stuff going on there but you get the point. Links: JLN Labs must visit: And JLN Labs YouTube channel: Rochelle Salt As A Dielectric, C. B. Sawyer and C. H. Tower, Physical Review, February 1, 1930, Volume 35, pg 269278 Force on an Asymmetric Capacitor by Thomas B. Bahder and Chris Fazi, Army Research Laboratory paper ARLTRXXX, March 2003 The Plasma Channel s homebuilt nuclear fusion reactor a must see, but don t try this at home At least, not without some radiation shielding around it lol