The surrender of German panzers to British and Norwegian troops in Norway, June 1945
Mute edited footage originally shot by US Signal Corps cameramen showing men serving with PanzerBrigadeNorwegen handing over their tanks and selfpropelled guns to British army and Norwegian MILORG personnel in the Akershus district outside Oslo circa 10 June 1945 following the unconditional surrender of all German forces in Norway the previous month. The location is Trandum, the site of a former Norwegian Army training camp. The British officer seen taking the surrender of the commanding officer of PanzerBrigadeNorwegen (and his adjutant) has been identified as LtColonel O J O Connor. The tanks seen in this film are latemark Panzer III medium tanks armed with either shortbarrelled 7. 5cm L, 24 cannon or the longbarrelled 5cm L, 60 cannon and have been fitted with Schuetzen 8mm armour plates as protection for their turrets and also in several instances seen here to their hull sides against hollowcharge projectiles. By 1945, the Panzer III was regarded as obsolete by Ger