THE BATTLEFIELD A Star Wars short film made with Unreal Engine 5
A new recruit discovers that the Imperial Academy might not have been entirely truthful about the realities of war. Join our Patreon for early access to future episodes. The Battlefield is part of the series For the Empire and was created entirely in Unreal Engine 5 as a workflow test for the upcoming AFK miniseries A Hole in the World. Starring Calum Gittins and Dallas Barnett AFK is a gaming, fantasy web series that follows the misadventures of a group of gamers who mysteriously wake up in the bodies of their MMO characters. Gender swapped, confused and out of their element, they must work together to survive in a hostile new world. Filmed entirely in New Zealand, home of Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit Support AFK on Patreon afkwebseries Official Website: Official Facebook page: Twitter: AFKwebseries Instagram: AFKwebseries