Warcraft III Reforged: Human Units Preview
Archmage Antonidas 00:00 Arthas 00:50 Dragonhawk Rider 01:56 Spell Breaker 02:34 Footman 03:36 Gryphon Rider 04:28 Flying Machine 05:08 Hero Archmage 05:49 Hero Blood Mage 06:12 Dagren the Orcslayer 06:46 Halahk the Lifebringer 07:19 Magroth the Defender 07:53 Hero Mountain King 08:26 Hero Mountain King Avatar 08:54 Hero Paladin 09:20 Lord Nicolas Buzan 09:47 Sir Gregory Edmunson 10:14 High Elf Swordsman 10:43 Jaina Proudmoore 11:32 Jaina Doughter of the Sea 12:10 Kae