VR on steroids by CREAL
We are steadily improving the performance of our foveated lightfield VR headset This is raw throughthelens footage we took this week. The focus effect (the change of sharpness and blur) is not calculated, it is real, happening only in the camera, owing to the physics of lightfields. The image depth is present already in the projected light. The lightfield part in the central 30deg field of view is now approaching retinal resolution. The text on the dashboard is perfectly readable in focus (see still photos on our web But, mainly, our rendering efficiency is steadily approaching the equivalent of classical stereo rendering of other VR headsets Technical details: The central 30deg part of the fieldofview (FoV) is filled with a highresolution lightfield. The content refresh rate is 240Hz and the projection subframe rate is 6kHz (yes, you re