All In Five Minutes (1927)
Item title reads: All in 5 minutes Sudden typhoon sweeps through heart of city of St. Louis, killing hundreds, injuring thousands and causes millions St. Louis, United States of America (USA). Intertitles read: scores die as storm devastates St. Louis terrific 5 min wind rips through heart of city spreading great havoc property damage is estimated at 75, 000, 000. Superstructures fall before terrific gale L, S wrecked buildings, and in the streets men work on piles of rubble, with cars in the foreground. A line of men tip over a roof section. There are black and white working together to flip over the wrecked roof. Tangled wreckage clutters the streets. Lots of twisted shapes. A wrecked car is seen with a man sitting on it and the camera pans to another man sitting on the running board of another, looking desolate. A man walks hopelessly towards a car its wheels are bent. It looks like a wreck. Panning shot of a ripped open building, a woman sits casually in a chair in one first fl