Yusuf, Cat Stevens: NPR Music Tiny Desk Concert
In the summer of 1971, I was a camp counselor at a sleepaway camp for a bunch of 5 to 7yearolds. For those eight weeks, I walked home with about 50. I bought a guitar and began to learn the songs I d come to love from the recently released Tea for the Tillerman by Cat Stevens. Father and Son touched me most it s a song about growing old, and about beliefs and conviction. More than 40 years later, that songwriter is performing at my desk with his son standing right behind me. You can never imagine the turns life will take. Nor could he. In 1976, Cat Stevens almost drowned off the coast of Malibu. In his panic, he says, he shouted, Oh, God If you save me, I will work for you at which point he recalls a wave that came and carried him ashore. He converted to Islam, changed his name and left the pop world after one last album in 1978. He finally returned in 2006, and now we have a new record, Tell Em I m Gone. From that album of great blues covers and originals, produced with Rick Rubin, Yusuf pl