Drobyshevsky Karate System: Tekki Shodan Combat Bunkai 9 First Nami Gaeshi Combination Stick Disarm
Bunkai Tekki Shodan in Action First Nami Gaeshi Combination for Stick Defence, Qinna Stick Disarm and Atemi. Nami Gaeshi 波返し Returning wave or Wave Foot Kick. The first combination of Namigaeshi in the Tekkishodan kata includes: 1. Dodging a stick strike in the leg with the left Namigaeshi technique while aiming the weapon over the shoulder with the left hand and grabbing the weapon with the right hand. 2. Then disarming the opponent with a Sotouke strikeblock and a shocking blow with right Namigaeshi on the opponent s leg. Ancient technique for the needs of the present Tekki or Naihanchi is the form that one of the founders and great masters of old Karate, Anko Itosu referred to by stating, Karate begins and ends with We have much to learn by practicing kata Tekki. For example, use First Nami Gaeshi Combination for Qinna Stick Disarm and Atemi. We are working to increase the combat potential of each new version of