London Clubs And Cabarets Trocadero Restaurant (1933)
Full titles read: LONDON S CLUBS AND CABARETS. Charles B. Cochrans s Revels in Rhythm at the Trocadero Restaurant, Intertitle reads: London after dark and Mr Cochran s Young Ladies are stepping out in style to Annette Mills L, S of the stage curtains opening. Very good M, S of a stage hand backstage turning the handle to open the curtains. L, S s of the girls tapdancing onto the stage wearing frilly long dresses. Intertitle reads: And with the Young Ladies Miss Nina Mae L, S s of the singer Nina Mae Mckinney singing Bring Back the Charleston. Intertitle reads: The Hazel Mangean girls shows what it means to have no backbone to trouble M, S of woman standing on two chairs which are supported by two other girls. She leans backwards and arches her back to the extent that she can pick up a handkerchief with her teeth off the ground Several more shots of the dancers wearing very skimpy costumes dancing on top of briefcases. Brief M, S s of the audience seate