A Matter Of Interest War Savings (1943)
Title reads: Government Official Film Short trailer film A MATTER OF INTEREST WAR SAVINGS WS A magician comes onto stage and asks for help from a member of the audience. MS A young woman volunteers. MS the magician rolls up his sleeves and asks her to lend him 15 shillings. CU he shakes the money in his hand and reveals it s turned into a National Savings Certificate. CU the woman s smiling face. MS the Magician tells us that the National Savings people are cleverer than he is. Cut to a ship, tank and plane. MS Twoshot, the magician and woman. She complains that she can t afford to spend 15 shillings and he explains that she s not giving it. CU the National Saving Certificate as gradually coins build up around it (to show the interest it will earn in 10 years). Ms the magician hands back the woman s money to her along with the interest. End title: National Savings the best investment NB: item was originally part of Gazette issue 43, 93. (Mute Track Negs. ) FILM A