Dependency Inversion Principle Explained SOLID Design Principles
Writing clean code is tough, and is one of the largest differences between junior and senior developers. One way that you can quickly improve your code and start writing well designed code now is to implement the dependency inversion principle. This principle is part of the SOLID design principles. The main idea of the dependency inversion principle is that any class that uses a dependency should only ever use the dependency through a predefined interface, wrapper. This makes it so that your code will never directly depend on a low level API for its operations. The reason this is so important is because if you ever need to change or remove that dependency it becomes really difficult when it is used all over your code. By wrapping this dependency in an interface you can depend on the interf. .., WebDevSimplified, webdevsimplified, SOLIDdesignprinciples, SOLIDdesign, SOLIDdesigntutorial, SOLIDdesignexample, SOLIDdesignexplained, SOLIDprinciplesjavascript, SOLIDprinciplesjs, solidtutorialJS 20200128 9oHY5TllWaU