A cara do Fuhrer Brazilian Anti Axis song
This is the Brazilian version of the song The Fuehrer s Face where nationalizes the figure of the Führer, disarms his authority, modifies the gender reference from male to female and also infantilizes him, transforming him into a crybaby. This image makes that of the N4z1 leader. Song written in 1943, the year, in which this song was sung during the Brazilian carnival. The passage from yá yá (in German, ja, ja yes, yes) to iaiá form of treatment given to girls and young women, widely used during slavery and today almost abolished. Music by Oliver Wallace, Benedicto Lacerda and F. Correia da Silva, performed by Isaura Garcia, in January 1943. Letra, Lyrics: Tem bigode, tem (Tem ) Bigode de Carlitos E que mais tem (Tem ) Tem fama de invicto É azedo (Yá, yá), É azedo prá limão Prá que serve, hein Só serve prá alem, 227