Greek Mythology, Volatile Times +ladydurinx
, Зевс, Посейдон, Гадес, Аид, Гера, Геката, Афина, Аполлон, Дионис, Арес, Артемида, Афродита, Немезида, Гермес, Гефест, Персефона, Кора, Деметра, Гестия, Амфитрита Please watch in 720p HD + headphones :) the gods have no mercy, that s why they re gods Kim and I FINALLY collabed I always assumed we d make a Kolvina collab together first (since she s kinda my kolvina soulmate and all) but ever since she opened up her Mythological Couples fancast collab, I ve been dying to do a mythology vid of my own, and thankfully she was game when I asked her if she d like to join me xD All of her parts absolutely blew me away, they were all incredible I had no idea that she loves mythology as much as I do, but I guess that s just another reason why we re soulmates Kim :D Sub my incredibly lovely partner: