ROTARY DIAL Oktavia 歌ってみた
when i think of a rotary dial i always think of this weird dream i once had where i was trapped in a house that was on fire and i tried to call 911 but all the phones in the house had rotary dials with tiny holes so i died because my fingers were too big Request a song: Hi KIDS what the heck is up I did one of the covers I was supposed to do (for my 2k 3k celebration lmao i m so far behind how did we get to 6k but nevertheless thank you) Also this is a song I ve wanted to get to for a while. It s really catchy haha I should mention that I probably got a little bit too into this. I think my theatre shows pretty well throughout the My goal was to have 20 s Frances and 50 s Frances have a bit of differentiation in voice. So for the first verse I tried singing it a little more sweetly and then just went normal for 50 s Frances tbh (HI GUYS I M OKTAVIA AND SCREAMS) Anyway. Thanks as always for