R5 Mistsplitter Keqing 314, 000+ Burst damage
Good morning Traveler, I R5 my Mistsplitter and C3 my Keqing tonight The damage she dealt per BT is insane. 55, 983 + (16267 x 8) +127, 970 314, 089 and her charged attacks are hitting 56, 003 + 50, 040 This could very well be her current BIS. One of my biggest joy in Genshin Impact is to build Keqing and make her stronger. Electro Supremacy is coming. Can t wait to amp up Keqing s dps even more Who are your favorite characters to build in Genshin Thank you for watching Hope to see you again. Oh Come hang out at Twitch : Discord: BGM: Domineer HOYOMiX 文驰 Lovers Oath YuPeng Chen HOYOMiX , 刻晴, keqingmains