CS50 2021 Lecture 6 Python
TABLE OF CONTENTS 00:13:50 Introduction 00:15:57 Python 00:16:45 Hello, world 00:19:30 Variables 00:21:38 Fstrings 00:22:56 Increment 00:24:24 Conditionals 00:28:40 Loops 00:33:00 Types 00:35:37 CS50 Library 00:37:40 Compilation and Interpretation 00:41:40 00:48:36 01:00:00 Break 01:08:28 01:13:00 01:18:40 Exceptions 01:24:22 FloatingPoint Imprecision 01:25:36 01:29:18 01:36:21 01:44:52 02:01:36 Break 02:08:38 Documentation 02:11:45 02:15:43 02:20:20 Commandline Arguments 02:24:06 Exit Status 02:26:20 02:27:20 02:28:38 02:28:47 Dictionaries 02:35:23 CSV Files 02:46:49 Speech Synthesis 02:48:55 Facial Recognition 02:51:26 Speech Recognition 02:53:23 QR Codes T