Domiziano Maselli The Burrow
Domiziano Maselli Lazzaro Released May 14, 2021 OPAL213 LP, Digital Spellbinding electroacoustic constructions born from stringed instruments, percussive onslaughts and emotionally charged song craft. Maselli s uncanny skill to create nonconformist drama recalls the wind swept postrock oblivion of Set Fire to Flames at their most layered and dense, The Haxan Cloaks doomridden worlds of grain and texture and the edge blurring of instrument and electronics so expertly honed by Emptyset. Theres no solitude in art, since it truly only exists in the light of the Other. Since the dawn of time theres no cry that hasnt been uttered, song that hasnt been raised, blood that hasnt been shed. If finding peace is impossible, will salvation come from the compassion of others Lazarus cannot possibly evade or fight against death: he can only hope for rebirth, bringing along the wounds of a numbing, breathless sleep in his burdensome recovery. Somehow the Gospel narrative manages t