I paint with needle and thread : Get to know Swedish Sámi textile artist Britta Marakatt Labba
Vogue Scandinavia travels to the Swedish Sápmi region to spend time with the renowned artist Britta MarakattLabba who conveys mythological storytelling through her embroidery. Born in 1951 in the far north of Sweden, MarakattLabba was raised alongside eight siblings in a reindeerherding family. After studying arts and crafts at Gothenburg University, she began her artistic career in over 40 years, MarakattLabba has chronicled the history, culture and cosmology of the Sámi through her art, encompassing watercolours, graphics, illustrations, costume and set design: but most well known is her work in poetic and political storytelling simply through needle and thread. Step into the snowblanketed terrain to get to know the artist better. Musicbed SyncID: MB01KDTEJOM7KHU