Is Musical Talent Born or Made FAQ Friday
Join The Academy For ONLY 99 (Reg. 199): Learn more about if musical talent is born or made, here: Watch our other FAQ Friday videos here: Check out the Baxendale Guitar website here: 0:00 Start 0:20 Guitar of the Week 4:49 Is musical talent born or made 13:48 Ruth Trumpets Nichols 14:39 Are expensive PreAmps and Converters a waste of money Is musical talent born or made I didnt start playing music until I was 15, when my father and I completed a guitar we had built together (I wanted to be Brian May ). Even though I was a massive musical fan, when I started learning, I didnt pick it up instantly. I had the same struggles as everyone else. There were kids I knew that it seemed easy they had an amazing ear, and even though they may not have been that much better than me technically, they would be ab