11 Impressive Benefits Of Horseradish Horseradish and Cancer
11 Impressive Benefits of Horseradish Horseradish is a powerful and pungent plant that is connected to a wide variety of health benefits, including its ability to aid weight loss, lower blood pressure, alleviate respiratory conditions, build strong bones, improve immune system health, stimulate healthy digestion, promote heart health, and lower the chances of neural tube defects in infants. Perhaps most notably, horseradish can prevent cancer due to its extremely high levels of glucosinolates. Horseradish is actually a member of the Brassicaceae family, meaning that it is closely related to wasabi, mustard, cabbage, and broccoli. It is closer in application to wasabi and mustard, because when the thick, white root (the active ingredient) is sliced, the breakdown of those plant cells release enzymes that break down the sinigrin found in the root. This releases mustard oil, which is a pungent and irritating chemical that affects the sinuses and eyes of those who smell it. This is why horseradish i