Mario Party 3 Starstruck Multiplayer 4 Players
jugando este increible hackrom con excelentes tableros, empezamos con el primero, playing this amazing hackrom with excellent boards, we start with the first one Jugadores, Players Yoshi: Beta Daisy: Nestor Luigi: Bekitos Waluigi: Ariel TimeStamps: 2:55 4:50 7:05 7:49 10:40 13:59 14:47 15:42 18:45 21:05 22:43 24:30 26:35 28:35 32:18 34:55 38:50 42:22 45:52 48:25 50:34 53:16 Mis Redes Sociales: Youtube: Twitch: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Pinterest: Blogspot: Tumblr: VK: Donaciones: , marioparty3 , starsummit , hobbyfusion, junta51