The Cancelled Doom 4: 60 FPS Edition (1080 P)
Doom 4 was eventually cancelled and out of the ashes came Doom 2016, which I think we can all agree was a good thing. But, I like think about the road not travelled sometimes. So I took the orginal video here: and ran it through an AI upscaler to remove artifacts and blockiness. Then I ran it through cutting edge AI interpolation to give us the best view of the cancelled Doom 4: 60FPS, as God intended. Cheers P. S the song is Danger Snow by Dan Henig. Link is down below as my outro music as well. , doom, doom4, doom4cancelled Support the channel by buying SnazzyAI merch: (for every product sold, a tree is planted ) Want to try AI upscaling for yourself You can go here: (If you decide to purchase anything, I make a small percentage) LINKS TO THINGS OUTRO MUSI