The New Testament Full Movie ( Every LDS Bible Video Including the Christ Child, Enjoy )
Got 5 hours to spend on family home evening Date night, perhaps There s no better way to spend an entire afternoon than literally watching the Bible. Just think of how impressed your BYU girlfriend will be when you force her to watch all 100+ LDS Bible videos. Not including the old nativity ones or the parable of the good Samaritan, tho. Those didn t fit in well. The Christ Child is a way better nativity and the good Samaritan video doesn t even feature Jesus but instead has some weird text transitions or something. I ain t messing around with that. Not in purely chronological order (the gospels weren t written with chronological accuracy in mind anyway) but I mostly arranged them in an order that makes visual sense and will feel good to watch while still keeping the basic chronology in mind. I felt bad that I now have like 300 subscribers but literally no plans to make anything so I decided to bite the bullet and put this thing together. I think it turned out pretty good. I, 39