I want to drive Yuzhongs Ferrari ( Official Micateam meme video)( YT subtitles) 今天我也要开羽中得法拉利
Yuzhong and friends at 3am. Featuring: A dude visiting Yuzhong s residence was handed a card to make him Yuzhong for one day. Sunborn ensues. Also, featuring GFL2 update from Mica. NOTE: Oryza Sativa is not affiliated with SUNBORN. Translated by: Me Contact: Professional Oryza Sativa, 9628 (Discord) Chinese name:SLOG今天我也要开羽中得法拉利zerzer original: 4:52 : Probably a reference to drawing pancakes, aka making nothing. , GFL, girlsfrontline, ドルフロ, 少女前線, 少女前线, micateam, meme, GFL2 Contact: Professional Oryza Sativa, 9628 (Discord)