Day in the Life of a University Student, Exam Week, Peking University, Beijing Vlog
An exam week vlog (and yes in Chinese again heheh) Subscribe for more happy times Instagram : SOCIALS YouTube, Instagram, BiliBili, Weibo, VIDEO LINKS 50 Facts About Me: Everyday Makeup Routine: If you are able to help me translate or transcribe my videos, click SUBTITLE, CC and then ADD SUBTITLE, CC Heres some more info on how: DJ Quads It Just Makes Me Happy DJ Quads Midnight Snack Merry Bay by Ghostrifter Official Creative Commons AttributionShareAlike 3. 0 Unported CC BYSA 3. 0 Lakey Inspired Chill Day Lakey Inspired Better Days Ikson Motion ABOUT ME Hi there My name is Vanessa, but you can call me Nessie I grew up in Australia but studied in Korea and China last year, and am now back home documenting life in Sydney I mostly post lifestyle vlogs, but occasionally mix it up with some Kbeauty, fashion, or travel diaries The order of my videos might be a little confusing, but basically Australia recent vlog, Korea from before. Do join along for the ride , ADayInMyLife, PekingUniversity, PKU