N00b Boyfriend
Hey Mom, dad, this is Brian. Oh, so this is the famous boy we ve been hearing so much about. Nice to finaly meet you missis Leed, and sir. So, Brian, what warcraft server do you play on Heh. . is that. . is that on the computer You know what I think i ve forgot the desert in the car. WHO do you think you are, bringing his kind into my house But dead, his a nice guy, realy His a n00b, Jesica, a N00B But Brian and I are perfect together This relationship is headed for an epic fail, young lady. Your elite, damn it We don t take n00bz, we PAWN them Well maybe I don t want to be elite Your insolence FTL (for the loose) Maybe I love that he watches VHS tape . .. I take whoever I want Only over my level 80 rogue permanently dead body ... :D