How to use Image J for nanoparticle size distribution analysis
The usage of ImageJ for nanoparticle size distribution analysis is demonstrated in this video. Evenly illuminated images are easy to analyze, however, uneven illumination could pose a challenge during image threshold. In such a case, Photoshop or other image flattening software would be very useful. Filters available in ImageJ are also very useful tool for image flattening. Unnecessary features and image artifacts in a thresholded image can be removed using various tools available in ImageJ. This is always recommended before doing final measurements. It is important to keep in mind that during particle size analysis, each and every image might require slight or completely different approach for image analysis. This video is intended only for educational purpose highlighting involved steps during particle size analysis. You might not be able to reproduce exactly same effects in your own images caused by each operation in ImageJ as shown in the video. Acknowledgements Bigioni s lab