BASIC ILUSTRISIMO FOOTWORK STRIKES, Filipino Martial Arts, Kali, Eskrima, Arnis
Guro Viko Perrine of Kali Ilustrisimo introduces the basic footwork, movements and striking patterns. After the student becomes proficient with the basics, they go into applications. Higher level of training will require sparring. Guro Viko Perrine s Contact: Instagram: kaliilustrisimonc TAKE OUR FREE FMA PULSE ONLINE COURSE: Fundamentals of Stick Blocks and Counters FOLLOW FMA PULSE , FilipinoMartialArts, KaliIlustrisimo, GuroVikoPerrine, Eskrima, Escrima, Arnis, arnisdemano, martialarts, footwork, FMA, NorthCarolina, NorthCarolinaMartialArts, NorthCarolinaFMA, FMApulse