When Black Holes Collide, , SEA
, Space, Universe, Космос, Вселенная, BlackHole, ЧёрнаяДыра, физика, ЭтоИнтересно, гравитация Black holes are fascinating in so many ways especially when you put two of them together. Their resonance and orbit physically ripples space itself, emitting waves that can travel through space for billions of years. Since 2016, we have been able to detect these gravitational wave events, and earlier this month, we detected a recordbreaking one. Subscribe for more Space Exploration Astronomy Follow my new Twitter: Join the official partner, SeaSquad Discord Server: Business Enquiries: AUDIO TRACKS: Wander Emitt Fenn (YouTube Audio Library) A Slow Dream Emily A. Sprague (YouTube Audio Library) Nexus Dawn Last Night I Dreamt I Saw True Love In Your Eyes Chris Zabriskie: