Elon Musk Humiliates BBC Reporter, Stands Up for Free Speech
In this clip from the April 13, 2023 In the Tank Podcast on our Stopping Socialism TV channel, The Heartland Institute s Jim Lakely, Linnea Lueken, and Chris Talgo take joy in Elon Musk humiliating a BBC interviewer live on Twitter. As Musk pointed out, one man s misinformation is another man s Besides, our legacy media and government have been the biggest peddlers of misinformation in the world the last few years. If you are going to preserve a free society and fight tyranny, you must allow free speech. And that includes the freedom to be wrong. Unfortunately, polls show that Millennials and GenZ don t value free speech, and increasingly want to put people in jail for socalled hate Musk gets pretty upset when something defined as slightly sexist or slightly racist meets the definition of hate speech that should be banned. Watch every episode of The Heartland Institute s In the Tank