Abbey Road Orchestra 1st Violins Walkthrough
Out Now ARO 1st Violins. 196, 000 samples, 60+ hours recording, 2000+ hours editing, advanced legato programming this is the most detailed library we have ever made, delivered for the first time in 2 tiers: Core and Professional. Learn More Core offers a comprehensive collection of articulations, a very high level of sampling depth and one Simon Rhodes curated signal option. Pro goes above and beyond any library weve ever created 8 legato articulations including extended patches, amazing sampling depth, 16 signal options and alternative attacks for the ultimate nuanced expression. Chapters: 00:00 Trailer 00:54 Intro 02:30 Performance Legato (extended) 07:48 Additional Controls 09:49 Lyrical Legato (extended) 11:20 Longs (extended) 13:11 Long Flautando 14:00 Shorts: Controls 16:30 Shorts: Lengths 18:07 Tremolo 18:41 Long Harmonics 18:54 Pizzicato Con Legno 19:58 Trills 21:35 Tremolo (measured BPM) 23:5