Jon Lord ( Deep Purple)
Jon Lord Beyond the Notes (Live 2004) Genre: Symphonic Rock Release date: 2007 Total length of the concert video: 02:11:08 Tracklist: 01. Sunrise, Picture Within 02. Sarabande 03. Ill Send You A Postcard 04. Cologne Again 05. Pavane 06. Gigue 07. A Smile When I Shook His Hand, Here Comes The Sun 08. One From The Meadow 09. Unsquare Dance 10. November Calls 11. The Telemann Experiment 12. The Sun Will Shine Again 13. De Profundis 14. Boure Jon Lord Piano, Hammond Organ Mario Argandona Percussion, Guitar, Vocals Urs Fuchs Bass Paul Shigihara Guitars Matthias Krauss Keyboards Bert Smaak Drums Susanne Heitmann Flute, Clarinet Sabine van Baaren Vocals, Percussion Emila Amper Keyed Fiddle Miller Anderson Vocals. .., jonlord, deeppurple, symphonicrock, hardrock, classicrock, progrock