90s LORD OF THE RINGS Teaser Trailer, Mel Gibson, Sean Connery, Retro AI Concept
, 90sLordoftheRingsTeaserTrailer, 90sLordoftheRingsTrailer, LordofTheRingsRetroTrailer This is my 90 s LORD OF THE RINGS Teaser Trailer, Mel Gibson, Sean Connery, Retro AI Concept that in this concept would ve come out somewhere in the early 90 s starring Mel Gibson, Sean Connery and many more and I portrayed this video through what it could look like if they made an A, B list hollywood cast. I can t believe it but it s getting close to 25 years since The Fellowship of the Ring was released. I hope you enjoy and if you like it please like, comment and subscribe for many more videos like this weekly. CAST: FRODO: JAKE GYLLENHAAL SAM: JACK BLACK GANDALF: SEAN CONNERY ARAGORN: MEL GIBSON BOROMIR: VAL KILMER SARUMAN: RICHARD HARRIS GALADRIEL: MICHELL PFEIFFER ELROND: DAVID BOWIE ARWEN: JENNIFER CONNELLY DENETHOR: ANTHONY HOPKINS FARAMIR: KEVIN COSTNER THEODEN: IAN MCSHANE EOWYN: REBECCA DE MORNAY EOMER: NICK CAGE