How to say German dates correctly, Ordinalzahlen, German ordinal numbers
Do you also have this Problem When you see dates in German: Which ending do you have to use te, ten, ter Which one is correct Dont t In this video you will learn how to say German dates correctly and also understand why there are those endings. Of course you can always memorize these few endings and in the beginning it s maybe also the better choice. But as an intermediate student you should try to understand the endings: why they are there and when you have to use which. More about this topic in the bonus tip of this video here. Get work sheets and more to ALL our videos and become a member here: For our A1. 1 VIDEO COURSE follow this link: And here you can find our NEW HOMEPAGE: Time Stamps: 0:00 Video Content 0:31 Ordinalzahlen 1:18 Ordinal numbers in nominative case 5:01 Ordinal numbers in dative case 8:14 Ordinal numbers in accusative c