Hello, my friends, this is Dr. Beter. Today is August 27, 1982, and this is my AUDIO LETTER No. 78
On the first day of this month of August 1982, a heartrending symbol of the Beirut holocaust appeared in newspapers all across America. It was a wireservice photograph of a nurse in hospital in East Beirut cradling a small sevenweekold baby in her left arm as she fed it from a bottle. From the tip of the tiny nose upward the baby s head was swathed in massive bandages covering eyes and all. The little shoulders were wrapped in still more bandages. Where there should have been a pair of infant arms, there was nothing. The baby s arms had been blown off by an Israeli artillery shell landing near the Green Line separating East and West Beirut. My three topics for this AUDIO LETTER are: Topic, 1THE SURPRISE HALT TO THE BEIRUT HOLOCAUST Topic, 2FINAL PENTAGON PLANS FOR SURPRISE NUCLEAR WAR Topic, 3THE RUSSIAN SURPRISE WEAPON FOR NUCLEAR DEFENSE