OMFG Hello, 450k V Tesla Coil Robot Orchestra cover 1, 000 sub special
OMFG Hello, 450kV Tesla Coil Robot Orchestra cover 1, 000 sub special First of all, I m sincerely thanks to the 1, 000 subscribers and viewers who shown a lot of interest in my previous videos. sorry for didn t respond to all of comments unnotified long term freeze. I was very busy for few month. Important tests, TV appearances (I ll told about this later maybe), school assignment, and so on. Anyway, I didn t have enough time for working on video. As a result, I spend almost one months on video editing Thank you for your patience. In this time, the original music is Hello by OMFG. While looking for a source to create a cover video, I heard this song by chance. And I thought it was very unique. I decided to making a cover version out of it. It was very hard to revive the inherent feel of the song. In the end, I had to edit MIDI file for my devices. I am not a person who is confident in the music, but I hope you like it. As previously said, The sound you hear i