Removes EXCESS Weight The strongest Installation of body HARMONY, SLIMNESS and ATTRACTIVENESS
The ability to competently handle your chakras, each layer of aura and internal energy flows, allows you to be almost in perfect shape. For a woman who is seriously interested in bioenergetics, being slim, young and attractive is not a dream formulation, but a reality being realized. The main secret lies in the fact that energy practices change attitudes to a healthy lifestyle and allow you to realize psychological problems. This video program is aimed at activating stagnant muscles and joints, allows you to bring your body into working tone, return it to its excellent condition and former attractiveness To get a visible effect, it is recommended to view it for at least 11 days, 3 times a day Working on your own aura allows you to get high from life, while being in harmony with your nature. From this, any person becomes more conscious, his habits radically change for the better Good Health and Success to all The use of headphones is recommended. For