Frank Zappa 1977 Baby Snakes
Frank Zappa Full DVD Baby Snakes (NYC Palladium 1977) HD Baby Snakes is a movie which includes footage from Frank Zappa s 1977 Halloween concert at New York City s Palladium Theater, backstage antics from the crew, and stop motion clay animation from awardwinning animator Bruce Bickford. Starring Frank Zappa Terry Bozzio Roy Estrada Adrian Belew Ed Mann Patrick O Hearn Peter Wolf Tommy Mars and New York s Finest Crazy Persons 01. Baby Snakes Rehearsal (2:11) 02. This Is The Show They Never See (5:52) 03. Baby Snakes (2:05) 04. Bruce Bickford, Disco Outfreakage (6:16) 05. The Poodle Lecture (5:03) 06. She Said, City Of Tiny Lites (10:28) 07. New York s Finest Crazy Persons (1:55) 8. The Way The Air Smells (4:01) 09. Pound Bass Kybds Solo (6:37) 10. In You Rap, Dedication (6:44) 11. Managua, Police Car, Drum Solo (9:51) 12. Disco Boy (4:00) 13. Give People Somewhere To Xscape Thru (6:27) 14. King Kong, Roy s Halloween Gas Mask (9:01) 15. Bobby Brown Goes Down (3:44) 16. Conehead, All You Need T