Music Machine Mondays Theme Song
Hey, i Made this music production and video on one single day, in one session, so it is a little or a lot rough in the edges in some places I dont mean to talk it down but i want you all to know that there is a difference between the music i make for youtube videos like these on one day and the real upcoming music releases, where i will work for months on the songs :). Just wanted to say that, enjoy Italo disco inspired All the Starry skiess are filmed Outside my house in France, My favourite is the purple one in the beginning and end with the Milky Way clearly showing, Wintergatan means t he Milky way in Swedish. Martin Download this audio track for free here: On bandcamp you can download a lot of different high quality audio formats. If you want to support the Wintergatan youtube Channel, You can also choose to pay something for the downloads but it is completely optional.