Mitski Working for the Knife ( Official Video)
Working for the Knife the new song by Mitski out now on Dead Oceans. Stream, buy Lyrics: I cry at the start of every movie I guess cause I wish I was making things too But Im working for the knife I used to think I would tell stories But nobody cared for the stories I had about No good guys I always knew the world moves on I just didnt know it would go without me I start the day high and it ends so low Cause Im working for the knife I used to think Id be done by 20 Now at 29 the road ahead appears the same Though maybe at 30 Ill see a way to change That Im living for the knife I always thought the choice was mine And I was right but I just chose wrong I start the day lying and end with the truth That Im dying for the knife Director: Zia Anger Production Company: Portal Producers: Meghan Doherty and Daniel April Movement Direction: Monica Mira