How setup FPV, monitor + 1. 2 GHz 800m W + batterys, RC FPV Kit
How to make RC FPV with RC FPV Kit How to setup FPV Basic FPV Setup Look how install FPV kit. It s very simple. You can use 0. 9Mhz, 1. 2Ghz, 5. 8Ghz (if your radio is 2. 4Ghz) You can use monitor 717 or video goggles (fatshark, boscam) Now i use Boscam goggles and it s cool and better than the monitor 1. 2GHz 800mW Wireless Camera Transmitter Receiver Camera 380 lines LCD 7 Lipo Battery 1. 2GHz 800mW LCD 7 Nylon XT60 Connectors Setup FPV simple fpv setup Beginners FPV Guide How to Setup Long Range FPV