RIZE Live or Die
金子ノブアキ(Dr) KenKen(Ba. ) 中尾宣弘(Gt. ) LyricsJESSE MusicRIZE Let me tell you a story About a kid named Jesse He believed that he can fly Fly like a dragon Live or Die, Live or Die, Skate or Die Live or Die 楽しいよ This is my life Let me tell you a story About a kid named Jesse He believed that he can drive Drive like a dolphin He believed that he ll never die Just knew that he was alive He really wanted to live fast as he can a chaser Live or Die, Live or Die, Skate or Die Live or Die 悲しいよ This is my life ONE HITで十分 RIZERの分 上がりたきゃ上がれ マイナーのクルーを代表RIZEと申します WE GONNA PARTY PARTY 生きる楽しい死んだら悲しいと思うの普通 だったらPUT YOUR SHOES ON THEN GROOVE 乗るか反るか選んだが勝ち it s my life yeah Live of Die, Surf or Die, Skate or Die You got to live once Live or Die バカラシーゼ This is my life Live or Die, Live or Die, Live or Die 一人じゃなく多くのために You got to live your life its one time You got to live your life its one time You got to live your life its one time You got to live your life its one time HP Twitter Instagram